Required Knowledge
 of German

fach-deutsch kultur requires this level:

 ECTS Credits
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Phone: +49 89 2180 72490

fach-deutsch kultur imparts both the specialist terminology and knowledge required for cultural studies.
You will learn the language confronting you in the cultural sciences. You will not only gain insight in methodology, concepts and areas of research in the various disciplines but also into how to work in an interdisciplinary manner. You will carry out comparative studies concerning discoveries about your own and other cultures.
A closer look at fach-deutsch kultur:
  • Identity: models, collective identity, Ethnology
  • Body: cult, extreme-sport, duality, body perception, civilisation
  • Cultural and communicative memory
  • The media: books, TV, photos, hypertexts, digital literature
  • Space and environment: models, representations, perception
fach-deutsch kultur consists of 100 hrs. Opt for the learning method suitable for you:
Self-Learning [150 €]
Assisted Self-Learning [220 €]
Tutored Learning [295 €]