A Complete Overview of DUO Courses
DUO-courses impart the German language and at the same time technical and general knowledge. The course modules are tailored to suit the following areas of language competence: basis-deutsch, for the acquisition of elementary knowledge, uni-deutsch for university and study purposes, fach-deutsch for scientific projects or special study programmes and profi-deutsch for professional purposes in the workplace.
Click on the course modules in the table for further information!
Once you have chosen your particular DUO course module you determine the path you want to take. You learn completely on your own – with or without our learner support – or together with an online teacher. Learning completely on your own – Self-Learning – means you stay independent and flexible, whereas learning with learner support – Assisted Self-Learning – means you learn according to a stipulated curriculum and receive extra councelling to aid your learning process. Tutored Learning means an experienced teacher, your online tutor, will guide you individually according to your personal needs and your work will be corrected on a regular basis. Combined Learning means your tutor will even be available to you in the classroom. (This offer is available at licenced institutions.)

... with information in other languages.

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